Norway's Arctic Circle Region: Myths and Marvels in Helgeland

From , Norway to Bodø, Norway - 12 days

The Arctic Circle Region is a place of magical light, breathtaking peace and isolation, miracles of human ingenuity and survival, and gloriously unspoiled nature and wildlife.

Visit the edge of the Arctic, known as the gateway to the midnight sun and twilight winter. These magical natural phenomenons have birthed several Norwegian myths, including “The Helgeland Myth”.

It is said that long before people arrived in Helgeland, trolls were the masters of this region. Two kings ruled the area, Vågakallen in Lofoten, and The Sulis King in the mountains. One warm summer night The Sulis King’s seven daughters went for a swim in the ocean, protected by the beautiful Lekamøya. Across the fjord, Vågakallen's son in Lofoten spotted Lekamøya, and enchanted, he galloped towards her. However, he quickly realised he would not make it in time before sunrise. As Lekamøya and the daughters fled, Vågakallen's son in a rage fired an arrow towards them just before the first ray of sunlight turned them all into stone.

On this journey, you will immerse yourself in the mythical fairy tales of Norway, and become a part of the story of the eternally immortalised trolls in the peculiar mountains around you. One thing’s for sure: after this trip, it’s you who will live happily ever after…

From $5,120 / per person


Start: Lofoten
Transport to Lofoten
Days 1 - 4

Exploring Lofoten

, Norway
ABOUT Lofoten

Day 1 A First Encounter with the Helgeland Myth
Day 2Lofoten - It's Electric!
Day 3Cultural Tasting Cruise
Day 4
Transport to Bodø
Days 4 - 5

Exploring Bodø

Bodø, Norway

Day 4 Head towards the mainland
Day 5
Transport to Mo i Rana
Days 5 - 7

Exploring Mo i Rana

Mo i Rana, Norway
ABOUT Mo i Rana

Day 5Arctic Train Ride
Day 6A Sami Encounter
Day 7
Transport to Lovund
Days 7 - 9

Exploring Lovund

Lovund, Norway
ABOUT Lovund

Day 7Slow Living at Luvund Island
Day 8Slow Living at Luvund Island
Day 9
Transport to Støtt
Days 9 - 12

Exploring Støtt

Meløy, Norway

Day 9 Active living with the historic trading port Støtt as your base
Day 10Helgeland coastal immersion
Day 11Helgeland coastal immersion
Day 12
Transport to Bodø
End: Bodø

Impact statemet

The Arctic Circle Region is a place of magical light, stories from our indigenous people, and gloriously unspoilt nature and wildlife. When at the Svartisen glacier, you will witness the effects of climate change and have the opportunity to reflect on how we can all contribute to UN SDG 13.3. Being so close to the ocean also offers a good opportunity to identify roles in how we can all contribute to SDG goal 14 - protect life below water.

Who is this trip for?

This trip is best suited for travellers looking for something different; intellectual stimulation as well as drifting into a world where science and superstition walk hand in hand.